Thursday, April 21, 2005

Spring? How about Summer

Someone posted last night that said spring was going strong in Texas. It's been summer here for a couple of weeks and the mowing has begun. The mowing and all the fun that entails. You would think Josh was allergic to the outdoors, though he has no problem going out for fun stuff. But once Cameron mentions mowing, the poor boy turns white as a sheet, has a headache, a stomachache, is sneezing.....and on and on and ON. I wait each time they have to do it just to see what the current excuse is.

Personally, I side with Josh on this one, but he'll NEVER know. There is no reason in the world to mow. Firstly, the beast is loud and obnoxious. Thirty minutes to an hour of an incessantly loud whine. It stinks to high heaven as well - totally surprised the grass doesn't just die upon turning the beast on. My paws turn a ghastly shade of GREEN. And lastly but most important.....the hunting SUCKS on a carpet of flat grass. Snacks and toys that fly and run can see me coming from miles away without the cover of the grass. Cameron is smart about a few things, but the desire to keep a well manicured lawn is not one of them.

So, last night was the second time they've had to ruin my hunting grounds this season. The first time wasn't so traumatic. Josh had the whole winter off and he probably forgot just how much he enjoys the job. (Personally can't see him remembering from week to week but he somehow manages that feat of concentration) Cam surprised me by coming home early. I was just finishing an early supper when the beast was awakened. Cam has no sense of decency. How is one to digest a meal with all that racket and smell going on outdoors?

Anyway, Josh was no where to be found. I looked, trust me. I heard the beast choke and die. A couple minutes later it started again and the front door slammed shut. Then a chair hit something and there was a lot of muttering. Putting two and two together, I figured out Josh was home and not very happy. I put up with the beast just to get a little closer to Josh to find out what was going on. Seems he stayed away on purpose, to skip the mowing and Cam didn't think that was too funny. I'd say Josh was pretty smart, staying away from the beast, but I had a nasty suspicion that Cam was going to be beastlier.

And I, of course, was right, as always. Josh mumbled for a short bit then got really quiet. The beast was finally put away for the time being and Josh returned inside. I went back upstairs to sit on my perch by the bedroom window, surveying my domain while death and destruction reigned downstairs. Josh was louder than the beast but thankfully it was a lot less than 30 minutes worth of whine. Think I'll try dinner out next time the beast emerges. That was the worst case of heartburn I've had in a while.

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