Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The seasons: Tolerable, Hot, Hotter and Are you KIDDING me??!!

It's so hot.....

The early bird getting the worm had to use potholders!!!

It's so hot.....

The trees are whistling for the dogs!!!

It's so hot.....

The brat has learned to drive with only two fingers.

It's so hot.....

The brat got branded by his seatbelt. (snickers)

It's so hot.....

The brat has decided the best parking places aren't those that are close, but those that have shade.

It's so hot.....

The brat has found out asphalt has a liquid state.

It's so hot.....

The brat didn't want to ride his bike for fear of cooking to death on the asphalt after being knocked unconscious from a wreck!

It's so hot.....

The brat has condensation on his butt from the hot water in the toilet bowl when he gets up.......(aaarrggg, uuuggghhh.....poking out mind's eye)

It's so hot.....

Wait...what do I care??? Poultry is better cooked - all I have to do is add salt and pepper to taste!

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