Thursday, October 06, 2005

Checking in

Whew. The wind must finally be blowing in a different direction and the smell of skunk that had invaded the house is gone. I was worried that the vagrants had gotten in a fight with him, or Buxley again, but I think that poor sucker died on the road.

It's been so hot....but we might actually get cooler this weekend. Looking forward to that, though wondering what will become of the vagrants when it gets even colder. The brat tried to mess with them last night, going outside and sitting down, rather than heading over to their food bowl directly. The baby came running, yelling, and stopped just short of where the brat was. Mom was slower to come over, and stopped within ten feet. They both kept looking at the brat and you could just read their expressions. "Food? Over there, the bowl? Like now?" He sat for about five minutes before giving up as neither cat was in the least bit inclinded to eat out of his hand. Now if he had a hot, juicy t-bone, they might have given that a shot. But somehow, I don't think Cameron would appreciate good food going to them like that. And personally speaking....I'd chew a new hole in the brat's favorite shirt if such a treat was given to them and not me.

It's about time for the brat to come home, and for me to tour my property. Until later!

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