Monday, May 02, 2005


It finally quit raining enough so that Cam and the brat could get outside, out from underneath my paws. Thank goodness for that and that it's Monday - some actual quiet time.

So.....yesterday they did some gardening. FINALLY putting out something that the rabbits enjoy. Looking forward to some of that in the not too distant future. The brat doesn't do gardening. Only Cam, but he wanted some help. Why, I'll never know. "Ew, that's dirty. Do I HAVE to sit on the grass? It's HOOOOoooootttttt. How much looonnnggggeeeerrrrrrr?" MP3 players make MUCH better company than that of brats. At least that brat.

I had a look around later. Cam and the brat ate dinner on the patio, to which I was very pointedly not invited. I had fun anyway. In the twilight, I caught the glimpse of some beady eyes. The wind was blowing away from both of us, so it didn't know I was there, and I couldn't figure out exactly what it was. Either intruder or an early rabbit. Either way, it wasn't going to get much farther without meeting me.

I crept forward slowly, in step with his movements away from me. All of a sudden Buxley bursts forth from the left, headed straight towards my sworn enemy. I laid flat, ready to steal my prize from good ole' Bux the instant he headed back to his yard. Instead of him neatly catching the enemy, there was a short scuffle, then a whine. Bux came bounding back past me, just about knocking me on my ass. And NOT in the physical sense either. Seems my sworn enemy was in fact another cat - a pole cat! Me being me would have figured it out long before we'd gotten to that stage, but not Buxley. It moves, he'll go after it. I immediately headed straight inside, followed a minute later by the returning garden party of Cam and brat, both coughing and complaining. Had to shut the windows and it STILL smelled.

Cam went next door a while later to help them clean up Buxley. Bux wasn't too happy, being dunked in a bucket of red goo. He didn't quite understand what was going on and by the time they were done, they each could have made a very fine bloody mary, if only they had celery to carry around. I enjoyed that tremendously from my upstairs viewing post. I did not, however, go near the bathroom while the brat was trying to clean up Cam. There are some things that need to stay behind closed (or mostly closed) doors.

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